Here, week by week, I will study and share the Intro To Heathenry course offered by The Troth. Every Thursday, starting May 3, 2018, I’ll post and host a discussion about all that I’ve learned that week.
Please join me on this journey! If you are new to Heathenry, or have never heard of it before, there is a simply written yet informative article about it in the BBC online archives → BBC Religions – Heathenry!
This will be an adventure to inspire the art of The Crow’s Fjord!
It’s been said that Heathenry is the religion with homework, so let’s do it together!
Here is a list of the reading sources that I’ll be using for the month of May:
Poetic Edda:Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes by Jackson Crawford, Hackett, 2015
Prose Edda: Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturlson, Penguin, 2006
A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru by Patricia M. Lafayllve, Llewellyn, 2013
Teutonic Religion by Kveldulf Gundarsson, Llewellyn, 1993
Our Troth: History and Lore Vol.1 by Kveldulf Gundarsson, BookSurge, 2006